Every community. Every person.

Transforming cities with the good news of Jesus

Who We Are

We are a group of people dedicated to help you reach communities and people with the good news of Jesus.

Jason Clark | MDIV, missionary, pastor & founder of citywide missions organization

“The job of reaching communities in your city is not only something that God has called me to, but I believe is for every follower of Jesus.  Join us as we together reach others with the good news.”

Do you desire that others know Jesus?

Whether you work full time, are a student, retired, or anyone in between — we invite you to contact us today.

What We Do

to see communities reached in your city we partner, equip and send.


— partner

We reach communities in the city partnering with churches, businesses and individuals. We desire to reach every community.

As a para-church mission organization, we come alongside you to reach others for Christ. Further, we help equip people to  effectively reach others with the good news.

We believe that it takes all of us to reach a city.

Would you partner with us?


— Equip

We provide tools and training to reach communities with the good news of Jesus.

…Whether that community is the local hospital, University, retirement home, or local businesses — we come alongside every step of the way. Would you like to see your work reached with the good news of Jesus? We can help.

Which people or community in your city has God put on your heart?


— Send

We send our staff and volunteers to reach your place of work, play or other community for Christ.

Jesus says, “pray to the Lord of the harvest to send workers into the harvest field…”  Mt 9:38

Citywide Missions Organization believes that we are answering this prayer.

Is God calling you to make disciples?

Impact Stories

Lead Pastor, First Nazarene Church of Lewiston

“Citywide provides hope and tools to people who would like to see more people reached with the Gospel. I believe a life of following Jesus brings fulfillment and joy that cannot be experienced elsewhere, and I would love to see my neighbors, people I graduated from high school with, and people I rub shoulders with every day experience that quality of life.”
