Who We Are

We are a growing group of people dedicated to help you reach your city with the good news of Jesus.

Jason Clark | MDIV, missionary, pastor & founder of citywide missions organization

“The job of reaching communities in your city is not only something that God has called me to, but I believe is for every follower of Jesus.  Join us as we together reach others with the good news.”


Do you desire that others know Jesus?

Whether you work full time, are a student, retired, or anyone in between — we invite you to contact us today.

Our Approach

we help reach your city.

Did you know?

If all the Christian churches were packed full on Sunday morning, that we would still be missing out on half of the population?

There is work left to do.

Imagine if every business, nonprofit, school, hospital, chamber of commerce, Little League, and retirement community all had someone strategically reaching that community for Jesus?

By effectively reaching every community, we reach the city.  

Would you like others to know Jesus?

We believe that God is calling you.  We look forward to help equip you to reach others.


— Our Vision

Cities transformed by the good news of Jesus.


— Our Mission

We partner with churches, equip believers, & send people to reach their work, places of play, and other communities for the glory of God.